So who is this Bruce guy, and why is he “The Grand Poobah” instead of something respectable like “president” – “manager” or even “director” instead?
Hopefully you’ll guess by the tone of this website that we don’t take anything TOO seriously. So to put your mind at ease: NO, we are not like the Freemasons or anything remotely like that. We’re just a group of weirdos that enjoy pop culture things and gaming.
A note from the Grand Poobah himself: “I (Bruce speaking here) like this excerpt from that website: “In modern times the term Grand Poobah is generally meant to be a mocking term. Either to describe someone who has an inflated self-regard or someone who has a grandiose title with little true power behind it.” (I hope I’m more like that last part than the first part!)”
Bruce is more like the Flintstones version of the Exalted Grand Poobah, Sam Slagheap.
To set you – or your parents – mind at ease: He’s a fine upstanding member of the McDonald county community, having lived here since 1991, and works for the county government. Over the past 30+ years he has organized and worked as organizer and staff on MANY various conventions (some very serious, some not so much). His big claim to fame was being Vice-President of Fandom, Inc. when that organization hosted the FutureFair 87 convention where Gene Roddenberry first announced to the world that Star Trek: The Next Generation was greenlit and under development.
He’s a SMOF, and can be a kind of a jerk when he’s sober, but he runs a great convention. And is a lot of fun when he’s got a buzz going… He loves (almost) everyone then. If you need to ask a favor wait until you see a drink in his hand.