Frequently Asked Questions

(and maybe even a few useful answers)

  1. What exactly is a RelaxaCon anyways?
    A: Here’s a RelaxaCon definition for ya.
  2. What is our anticipated attendance?
    A: We’re planning for somewhere between 100 and 200 this first year.
  3. Who is MacCon for anyway? Why should I be interested in this event?
    A: Basically, anyone interested in anything that fits under the big umbrella of “Pop Culture” – Science Fiction, Fantasy, Gaming, Anime, Comics, Superheroes, and all such related things. If you’ve been to or even been interested in going to a big “Comic-Con” type event, MacCon is just a VERY TINY version of this sort of thing… With drinks and dancing.
  4. What exactly do you mean by “Gaming?”
    A: We are taking a much wider interpretation of “Gaming” than most similar conventions. Of course we will have all the most popular CCG and RPG games going: Magic the Gathering, Pokemon, AD&D, etc…
    AND! Since this is a relaxacon, we’re also going to have LOTS of casual “party games” that anyone can play and have a hilarious time with (not “just serious gamers” – even though hardcore players will have plenty to choose from also). Trivia – with various pop culture themes, party games, and traditional casual boardgames/card games too. Check out our Games page for the latest updates on what’s scheduled. We’re not a typical game convention – we’re focused on having something FUN FOR EVERYONE!
  5. Can I Bring/Host/GM my favorite game?
    A: You bet!!! Please do!!! Contact our Games Guru and let us know exactly what you’re wanting to run, how much time it is expected to take, how many players you can accommodate and so forth, and we’ll get you added to our schedule. We’ll even set up a pre-registration list on our website for your game so you can plan ahead and know how many to expect. WE WANT YOUR GAME.
  6. Will there by any big-name guests?
    A: For this little event, at this admission price, really?
    But seriously… If we find any semi-local celebrities who would make a fun guest, that doesn’t mind coming and mingling with us peons and signing a few autographs for no big appearance fees – then sure!
    So… IF YOU, or someone you know, are an almost-famous person who has done something that fans might recognize… Then hit up our Grand Poohbah and let’s chat about adding you to our Special Guest list.
  7. This is held at a BAR??? ***gasp*** REALLY??? – Is it a 21+ ONLY event?
    The venue is a Bar & Grill, true. But so is “Applebees” for that matter, and kids go there with their parents all the time. (Not comparing the two, HoneyPop’s will be WAAAAY better and cooler.)
    SO… Parents – and actual legal guardians – are allowed to bring their children (those under 18). However, the parents must not leave them unattended. They are responsible for keeping an eye on their darling angels at all times. You don’t have to have them on a leash or anything. Just know where they are and most importantly keep them from causing trouble. (Refer to Our Convention Rule: “Don’t Be Stupid.”)
  8. Will alcohol be served on-site?
    A: Yes. There will be a cash bar available. Waitstaff will also be making the rounds (especially at the gaming tables) so you can get refreshments  – including soft drinks and snacks – without having to leave your game. And as fellow gamers we totally understand how important that can be!
    With your admission, you will be given a wristband that shows you are a paid guest and there will be two versions. One for adults 21 and over, and the other for those under the Missouri legal drinking age. All alcohol will be served by employees of HoneyPop’s Bar & Grill, and of course they aren’t allowed to serve anyone under 21; OR to “over-serve” any persons, drunk Furries, snarky Aliens, and/or Quarkian quasi-norms. You understand their position.
    BRING YOUR I.D. especially if you want to be able to consume adult beverages.
  9. Are discounts available?
    A: YES!!! See full details in the DISCOUNTS section below:
  10. Can discounts be combined?
    A: Sure! For instance, anyone wearing a costume and also volunteers for 8 hours can essentially get their admission “FREE.”
  11. Will there be Dealers (Merchandise) Tables or Booths?
    A: Maybe, but we simply don’t have much space available this year. We will probably have a very select few merchants, as space allows.
    *We have a crazy idea for a big outside circus tent we’re considering IF there’s a huge interest… But realistically that’ll probably have to wait until MacCon II – The Relax of Con.
    If you are a business selling fan-focused/pop-culture goodies, contact The Grand Poobah and he’ll see what we can arrange. Because we definitely WANT to support our local/area merchants, and if any space is available we’ll work with you!
  12. What qualifies as a “full costume?”
    A:  The guidelines are: IF a genuine attempt is made by the guest, and it covers “most” of the body (or very little of the body at all in the cases or skimpy barbarians and such!) then yeah.
    Just a MASK, or face paint, or a funny hat or stuff like that doesn’t qualify for the voucher.
  13. Is this a Charity event? // Where does the money go? // Is this just a get-rich-slow scheme?
    A: This little event isn’t intended to make a ton of money. We’re keeping the admission cost very low AND offering all kinds of discounts so just about anyone could afford to attend. WE WANT FANS – NOT MONEY.
    All proceeds left over from the convention will be donated to Huckleberry Rescue ( see also their website ( – a volunteer based dog rescue/foster shelter. They are a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization that is located primarily in McDonald and also serving Newton county in SW Missouri and Benton and Washington counties in NW Arkansas.
    They do great work and deserve our support. Anyone who loves doggos will really appreciate this charity.
  14. What is HoneyPop’s?
    A: HoneyPop’s Bar & Grill is “Soon to be World Famous” [their motto] – It is the Old ShangiLa restored and greatly improved, if anyone remembers that place*. The owners are also the operators of Elite Restoration (their Facebook page) and they are highly experienced professionals at fixing up damaged & dilapidated buildings.
    Here’s HoneyPop’s Facebook page that you can check out and share with anyone who’s interested. So these folks are great at making bad places look good, and after speaking with them I know they’re going to do a first class job here. You’ll see. Their target for opening to the public is July 2024.
    *Ol’ Timers from Mac county might worry that that old place will be yet another dive, so go easy on ’em and assure them that this place will be far better than they imagine. Direct them to HoneyPop’s Facebook page ( so they can check out the progress and see for themselves. It’s gonna be niiiiiice!
  15. Where exactly is HoneyPop’s?
    45 Fashion Lane, Anderson, Missouri; right smack in the middle of Mac county. It is just South of the traffic light near the corner of the High School and Business Highway 71. Only a mile or so from the Interstate!
    Directions from Interstate 49: Take Anderson Exit 10 and turn West towards town. At the first stop sign turn Left (South) onto Business Hwy 71. Go past the stoplight and HoneyPop’s is the first drive on the Right. (It’s slightly hard to see from the road, but it’s right there.) Hopefully they’ll have a big sign by the time we have MacCon. If we can we’ll put some sort of MacCon signage at the turn also.
  16. Who is “HoneyPop” anyways?
    A: HoneyPop is the nickname given to the owner, Spencer Doughty, by one of his grandkids. It’s a cute story. Ask him about it sometime when he’s not too busy.
  17. Is the venue handicapped accessible?
    A: Um… Not really. We’re actually very sorry about that, but most of the event will take place UP STAIRS and there is no elevator.
  18. Can I bring my own food and/or drinks (soft drinks or hard alcohol)?
    A: Sorry, NO. Part of the deal getting this wonderful location for our little relaxacon was that the venue would be the only one providing food & drinks. HOWEVER… We’ve worked with them to offer special deals on food & drinks especially for our guests, in addition to their regular offerings. Besides, as far as alcohol is concerned their Missouri issued liquor license prohibits any outside alcohol brought in. They just can’t allow it under any circumstances.
  19. What are the event Rules, Regulations, Bylaws, guidelines, dogma, and Commandments?
    A: Unlike big ComicCon type events, which have dozens of pages of these things, we have ONE SIMPLE RULE:
    “Don’t be Stupid.”

    Anyone doing anything stupid may be warned once to Stop Being Stupid. If they persist, they’ll be ejected without refund. Simple as that.
  20. Speaking of drinking… What qualifies as “Stupid?”
    A: Really, we can all recognize Stupid when we see it. But if you want a better definition:
    Stupid is anything illegal, dangerous, destructive, or otherwise so obnoxious that it is obviously decreasing the enjoyment of those around them.
  21. Why MacCon?
    A: Here in McDonald county we have several “Mac-places and things” (Macadoodles for instance). A pop culture Convention here just begged to be called MacCon!
  22. Why Mac instead of Mc-Con? McDonald county just has the Mc?
    A: Because McCon sounds like what a certain fast food joint does to it’s customers. And we liked MacCon better than McCon. So there.😁 Besides, Mac and Mc are generally interchangeable, and MacDonald county was often spelled that way in the past. And also in parallel dimensions. Trust us, we know about these things.
  23. Why is the convention organizer called “The Grand Poobah” instead of something respectable like “president” – “manager” or even “director” instead?
    A: Hopefully you’ll guess by the tone of this website that we don’t take anything TOO seriously. So to put your mind at ease: NO, we are not like the Freemasons or anything remotely like that. We’re just a group of weirdos that enjoy pop culture things and gaming.
  24. What is MacCon II – The Relax of Con?
    A: Why, it’s our 2025 big event of course! We are going to do this crazy thing every year, even if it’s only a handful of us sitting around drinking and griping about how nobody supports fun pop culture events in our area, like they did in the “good old daze.” Hey kid! Git off our lawn!!!
    But seriously, yes, there WILL be another event next year. And everyone who attends this year at our first MacCon will also get a big discount on tickets for next year! (As if you needed more encouragement to attend.)
  25. Will there be any other of your events here at HoneyPop’s?
    A: YES. Definitely. We’re already planning various events focused on specific things throughout the year… Such as: Gaming. Anime. Drinking. Dancing. All the fun things! We’ve even got a camping and float trip coming up. And we will be keep returning to HoneyPop’s for as long as they’ll tolerate us. When you register for MacCon or just follow our mailing list or Facebook page you’ll get notified whenever we have a new event coming up. AND WE HOPE YOU’LL JOIN US!



Discounts, Rebates, and Vouchers – Oh, My! We got lots of ’em, because we want to SAVE YOU MONEY, and make sure that everyone who wants to can attend without worrying if they can afford it. Time are hard, we understand. (However, please keep in mind that every dollar we take off your admission price is a dollar less that we can give our charity after the event. And they do deserve the donation… So if you don’t really need the discount consider not requesting one. It’s for the Doggos.)

All that being said, here’s the deals:

  1. We are offering a $5 VOUCHER good for food and drinks from HoneyPop’s  Bar & Grill (our venue hosts) to anyone who attends dressed in FULL COSTUME.
    The reason is we want to encourage a lot of guests wearing costumes, because that greatly enhances the atmosphere.
    Everyone in costume is also automatically entered into the Masquerade (costume contest) – but there’s no penalty if you don’t participate. Though we hope you will!!!
  2. Volunteers! Anyone who volunteers during the event will get a rebate of $5 per 4 hours worked.
  3. All of the Staff who have put in some special effort during the planning stage or otherwise contributes meaningful support, supplies, materials, etc… Gets in FREE, and becomes an honorary member of the SMOF.
  4. Existing members of SMOF: Anyone who our Grand Poohbah decides qualifies as a SMOF gets in free. This is usually reserved for Organizers of other area conventions who are our frens. But anyone who has legitimate old school Fandom cred might qualify too.
  5. No family or child discounts, sorry. This event is geared towards adults, and those who can convincingly feign being adults. Mothers of newborns can bring their babies if they really need and want to, and no charge for the baby of course. However, young toddlers are, unfortunately, particularly discouraged.

(OMG! Why are you discriminating against toddlers? Reeee!!! Rreee!!! I need to speak to your manager!)
Actually there’s a good reason for this. We know from years of experience that toddlers and relaxacons are a troublesome mix. That’s why, although we don’t exclude them, and each kid is different and deserves consideration as an individual: Parents will have to keep toddlers in hand at all times and pay full admission price for each. If the kids cause a disturbance the parents will have to take them outside (remove them from the event/premises) until they are ready to behave.

Seriously though, this event is cheap enough you should be able to afford to hire a babysitter. So that way you can REALLY relax and fully enjoy MacCon!